The KELSON Salmon Rod


16 ft. 6 in all Cane-built in 3 pieces, 2 Tops, Cork or Pigskin-covered handle,

Lock-fast Joint "Universal" Winch-fitting, "Bridge" Rings, Weight 46 ozs., India rubber Butt end.

The above is specially designed by GEO. M. KELSON, Esq., late "Salmon Angling" Editor of" Land and Water. It has tout tops with great lifting power in middle, and full swing in butt ; it will

execute all the various casts, an is casting made easy, as it will cast a long line simply by the

action of the rod alone.

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16 ft. 6 in all Cane-built in 3 pieces, 2 Tops, Cork or Pigskin-covered handle,

Lock-fast Joint "Universal" Winch-fitting, "Bridge" Rings, Weight 46 ozs., India rubber Butt end.

The above is specially designed by GEO. M. KELSON, Esq., late "Salmon Angling" Editor of" Land and Water. It has tout tops with great lifting power in middle, and full swing in butt ; it will

execute all the various casts, an is casting made easy, as it will cast a long line simply by the

action of the rod alone.

16 ft. 6 in all Cane-built in 3 pieces, 2 Tops, Cork or Pigskin-covered handle,

Lock-fast Joint "Universal" Winch-fitting, "Bridge" Rings, Weight 46 ozs., India rubber Butt end.

The above is specially designed by GEO. M. KELSON, Esq., late "Salmon Angling" Editor of" Land and Water. It has tout tops with great lifting power in middle, and full swing in butt ; it will

execute all the various casts, an is casting made easy, as it will cast a long line simply by the

action of the rod alone.

Stock Number 38